Hello reader,
Before we begin, here is how GSoC is going for me:
I have finished the static backend. In this backend, we aim to display a PNG image on IPython notebook. This is just the basic version of our VNC backend. We used IPython's `display_png()` function for displaying the PNG. I can say it is ready to merge.
On the other side, we solved the timer issue that I have mentioned in my previous post. We used a JavaScript timer with `setInterval()` function of JS window. We are sending 'poll' events from front-end (JS) to backend (python). When the backend receives these events, it generates a 'timer' event. Therefore, on the vispy canvas object that we created in IPython notebook, we can connect a callback function (like on_timer) and use it without any problem. This means we are able to do animations now. That is great!
Another good news is, we managed to hide the vispy canvas! That was a big problem from the beginning. Eric and Almar, two of the vispy-devs, proposed a solution: showing the canvas once and hiding it immediately. This solution was tested by myself before, but I couldn't manage to run it. After that, Almar took over the issue and solved it like a boss! The problem was (what I understood) Qt was refusing to draw when there is no visible canvas. So we are forcing the draw manually and voilà! Problem solved:
See you next post!